
Top 7 Deals on Shark Tank Season 3

Hello, Lovers of Shark Tank India.

As you know, seasons 1 and 2 of Shark Tank India have been over with mind-blowing deals. But the current season 3 is on hype!! 

So today in this blog, we are going to discuss the Top 7 deals on Shark Tank Season 3

Let's go to the depth of this deals

What is Shark Tank India? 

Shark Tank India is a television series in which big investors help to grow young entrepreneurs. The business owners hope to secure investors' funding by offering them a share in their companies. In the series, investors are also called "sharks."  

7 Best deals on shark tank season 3 

1. Coratia Technologies

Coratia Technologies is a company which is founded by Debendra Pradhan and Biswajit Swain. With the help of their product, the gathering of high-end technical data in water bodies can be done.  

The company has a smaller team and has generated a low net profit. So the founders decided to ask for 80 lakhs rupees for 1 % Equity.


Ultimately, Shark Ritesh Agrawal closes the deal with the same valuation with no extra requirement. As Shark Ritesh also belongs to the same state of founders. For the growth of these Odia founders, Shark Ritesh Agarwal invested in their company. 

Currently, the company has maximized its profitability potential through strategic investments in innovation and cost-effective operation.

2. Goenchi

Goenchi is a drink company and it originated in the state of Goa. The founders of Goenchi are Yash Sawardekar and Tulika Sawardekar. 

The company Goenchi is famous for its stiff drinks.

The company's pitch on Stark Tank was so good that all the sharks were impressed. 

In the end, Shark Deepinder Goyal found the company very interesting and then asked the founders for 2 crores rupees for 15 % Equity of their company Goenchi. The offer was so good that the founders took the deal without hesitating. 

Currently, Goenchi has become a profitable company through the help of shark Deepinder Goyal. 

3. Nasher Miles

Nasher Miles is a new-age luggage brand. The company is known for its stylish and unique luggage bags.  

For more company growth, a beautiful presentation was given by the three co-founders of Nasher Miles on the Shark Tank India platform. 

All the Sharks were impressed by the Nasher Miles pitch and overall net revenue.  

In the end, all 5 Sharks offered a deal with a valuation of 200 crore rupees. After hearing this offer, the co-founders took the deal without any hesitation.    

After getting Funded, the company is making a significant amount of profit by selling its products. 

4. Dharaksha Ecosolutions

Air in every state of India is polluted. Arpit Dhupar, the Founder finds a solution to it by making Dharaksha Esosolution. 

On the shark tank pitch, Arpit describes all the potential of the company and also describes the problem that he was facing in growing his company.   

At the end of the pitch, all 5 Sharks invested in Dharaksha Ecosolution with some terms and conditions. 

Currently after getting the deal from Sharks, Dharaksha Ecosolution is getting more sales and leads.  

5. Smotect

Smotect is another best deal on shark tank india. Shark Anupam Mittal found the company concept interesting and invested five crores in it. Basically, the company aims to free people from Tobacco. The product of the company is good. To increase Smotect sales and leads, the founder pitched the company on the Shark Tank platform. Currently, with the help of Shark Anupam Mittal funding, Smotect is making lots of sales on its website and other market platforms. 

6. Katidhan

Promising startup Katidhan Company just made its debut on Shark Tank India, grabbing the interest of investors and viewers alike. A group of youthful business people founded Katidhan, which provides a special remedy meant to transform the agriculture industry. Their ground-breaking invention, a solar-powered irrigation system, solves the urgent problems that farmers in isolated locations with erratic access to water and energy confront. The Katidhan team made a strong case for their technology, emphasising its affordability, scalability, and sustainability. This technology has the potential to dramatically increase agricultural yields while lowering reliance on conventional irrigation techniques.

Katidhan's enthusiasm for improving rural communities and the environment, along with their well-thought-out business model, won over the Sharks. As talks progressed, the Sharks showed a strong desire to work with Katidhan to foster its development and growth since they saw the company's potential to upend the Indian and global agriculture environment. All things considered, Katidhan's debut on Shark Tank India demonstrated not just their creative solution but also their resolve to significantly improve the lives of farmers and support the agriculture industry's sustainable growth. 

7. FarmDidi

FarmDidi Company is a startup that helps rural women to earn money and give better education to their childrens. The company pitched on Shark Tank India 3 and impressed all the sharks and viewers. FarmDidi sells products like pickles and chutney. All the products are made by the rural women. On the shark tank india platform, the founders of Farmdidi describe all the company's potential. At the end of the company pitch, Shark Namita and Piyush found the company interesting and invested ten crores in FarmDidi. After funding, FarmDidi has become a profitable business and has empowered more than 10,000 rural women.  

So these are the seven best deals on the Shark Tank Season 3. 

Thank you for reading this article. please feel free to contact us if you have any queries regarding this topic. 


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